Category: sensitivity training
Moving forward after an offense
“The pendulum has swung too far, and people are just too sensitive these days.” As a sensitivity trainer, I hear plenty of jokes about workplace sensitivity. I also hear a lot about the frustrations that come with living in a world where the rules seem to always be changing. And I get it. In fact,…
Healthy Boundaries in Sales: Building resilient, productive sales departments
A report on the follow article: Sales Managers Need to Take Mental Health Seriously. Many sales reps struggle with stress, anxiety, and depression. But talking about it is often considered a sign of weakness. Author(s): Brian Nordli, Published on Feb. 22, 2022 People who work in sales are faced with many professional dilemmas that affect…
How leaders are increasing productivity by increasing awareness
A recent article published in the Higher Education Review lists some benefits of getting leaders trained in civility and respect. Here are the benefits they list: The bottom line is more productivity. More civility and respect leads to more productivity. The good news is, human beings are wired for cooperation – we are designed to…
Regina hospital allegations point to an epidemic of bullying and discrimination in health care
The healthcare industry is prone to workplace violence such as discrimination, harassment, and bullying. And why wouldn’t it be? People who work providing healthcare have some of the most stressful and high-stakes jobs in the world, and research tells us that workplace violence is more likely to occur in high-stress work environments with high-stakes outcomes.…