Category: blog

  • Moving forward after an offense

    “The pendulum has swung too far, and people are just too sensitive these days.”  As a sensitivity trainer, I hear plenty of jokes about workplace sensitivity. I also hear a lot about the frustrations that come with living in a world where the rules seem to always be changing. And I get it.  In fact,…

  • Culture is key to productivity



    If culture is key to the productivity and success of an organization, why don’t we invest more in keeping our business cultures thriving? We often take for granted that our team knows how to navigate the modern professional workplace expectations, and we save training for the moments when an individual makes a mistake.  In a…

  • 3 reasons to avoid debating politics at work



    Why avoid political debates at work? Just ask Google. According to a recent article in Forbes, until very recently the workplace culture at Google had been well-known for its openness when it comes to allowing controversial debates and conversations at work.  Much like a university campus, the Google workplace culture – and many others like…

  • Going beyond reasonable accommodation and providing actual inclusion for the hearing impaired community 

    According to a recent article published in The Conversation, people who experience hearing loss and deafness in Canada are being unnecessarily excluded from employment opportunities. The overall population of people experiencing hearing loss around the world is growing, and the number of Canadians with hearing loss in the workplace is thus increasing, but only about…

  • Social location and Social mobility



    This is a brilliant video that unpacks the concept of social location and the benefits that accrue to individuals based on their location.